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Writer's pictureJacilyn Ledford

Ghost Hunting In Savannah with a full moon bonus

Savannah is a most beautiful city. We love touring downtown, which is where Tybee Tour Co. got its start. We love guiding ghost tours in historic Savannah, so it is natural to return to the roots from time to time. Once a year for Halloween we offer a haunted walking tour of the historic downtown, and this year, with a twist.

Savannah is well known for her haunts from the likes of Alice Riley and Tomo Chi-Chi. Most know the truth of the cities foundation, being built upon Yamacraw burial grounds. There is an energy, something palpable but inexplicable about this mysterious town. For the number of photos we capture which contains something of a mystery and with paranormal flair, it is truly the 'feeling' in Savannah that tells us there is more here than meets the eye.

For this year, our family and friends tour went ghost hunting. Using EMF reader and divination rods, our brave crew explored over a mile of the downtown Savannah district, each experiencing something not quite right. One woman got shocked in the Factors Walk Tunnel, while every divination rod stayed fixated on Nathaniel Greenes gravesite. We crept through Colonial Park Cemetery, and while no EMF was being shown on the read, the rods were making large motions to communicate. The full moon in taurus made for the perfect illumination of the graveyard.

With respect and honor we love to share the spooky history of our main city, Savannah. Interested in your own spooky tour? We offer private haunted tours downtown by request and love to work with schools and scouts.

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